ZFS Snapshot Service for Linux and Macosx with send and receive
An alternative implementation of the zfs-auto-snapshot service for Linux and Macosx (currently tested and compatible with ZEVO Community Edition).
It can automatically create, rotate, and destroy periodic ZFS snapshots. This is utility that creates the @zfs-auto-snap_frequent, @zfs-auto-snap_hourly, @zfs-auto-snap_daily, @zfs-auto-snap_weekly, and @zfs-auto-snap_monthly snapshots if it is installed.
It can rotate your backups automatically and Towers of Hanoi algorithm is implemented as well.
It can backup (send) the snapshots to remote systems or external disks, utilizing zfs send command. On darwin this can replace TimeMachine backups, currently not running on top of ZFS filesystems.
This program is a posixly correct bourne shell script. It depends on zfs utilities only (Linux). Unfortunatelly on Darwin it needs 'getopt' from macports.
For using --send option, adapt opt_sendtocmd variable accordingly by editing the script zfs-auto-snapshot.sh.
sudo make OSTYPE=linux|darwin install
installs cron / launchd startup scripts and copies script to /usr/sbin
On darwin for daily, weekly and monthly stuff, anacron install is highly